



Millions of men take some form of testosterone therapy every day, 通常是因为它与, 营销对象是, helping to strengthen a sluggish libido or boost energy levels overall. But while testosterone therapy may seem like a medicinal fountain of youth, its use has been associated with several serious conditions, 包括血凝块, 中风, 心脏病发作和死亡.

Contact a 睾酮替代疗法 Lawyer

五颜六色的大米 is actively litigating cases involving patients who suffered from serious complications, 包括心脏病和中风, 同时服用睾酮替代疗法.

If you or someone you know suffered from one or more of these conditions while undergoing testosterone replacement therapy, 联系莫特利·赖斯处方药律师 约翰•杜安 by 电子邮件 或者拨打1.800.768.4026.


2015年3月3日,FDA 宣布 “that there is a possible increased cardiovascular risk associated with testosterone use” and is now requiring all prescription testosterone product manufacturers to update their labeling “to reflect the possible increased risk of 心脏病s and 中风s associated with testosterone use.”

2014年6月19日,FDA 提醒 testosterone product manufacturers that they are required to include a general warning about the risk of blood clots in veins on all drug labels. 也称为静脉血栓栓塞(VTE), deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), venous blood clots not associated with an abnormal increase in red blood cells (a warning already included on labeling) have been reported to the FDA, 提示新的标签要求. 美国食品药品监督管理局 添加 因为这些血块发生在静脉中, this new warning is not related to FDA’s ongoing evaluation of the possible risk of 中风, 心脏病, and death in patients taking testosterone products.”

1月. 2014年11月31日 FDA发出警告 announcing that it was investigating the risk of 中风, 心脏病发作和死亡 in men taking FDA-approved testosterone products due to the release of two separate studies that suggest an increased risk of cardiovascular events among men taking prescribed testosterone therapy.  


根据 梅奥诊所, testosterone is a hormone produced primarily in the testicles. 睾酮有助于维持男性的:

  • 骨质密度
  • 脂肪分布
  • 肌肉力量和质量
  • 红细胞生成
  • 性冲动
  • 精子的产生


Testosterone replacement therapy is prescribed for men to combat the natural decline in testosterone as they age. Testosterone replacement therapy is approved specifically for the treatment of abnormally low testosterone levels, a condition called hypogonadism and commonly called “low T.” 的 hormone helps build muscle, reduce body fat and improve sex drive. 根据 网赌十大靠谱平台下载报道, more than 5 million prescriptions for testosterone were written in the United States in 2011 alone. Testosterone therapy is most often administered as a gel, patch or injection.


Recent studies have linked prescription testosterone use with the increased risk of 心脏病s, 中风甚至死亡.

的 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported a link between testosterone supplements and an increased risk of death, 心脏病 and 中风 in a November 2013 study.  的 JAMA study examined the health records of more than 8,700 men with low testosterone (defined as below 300 nanograms per deciliter) who had coronary angiography—a test to determine plaque buildup in blood vessels—in the Veterans Health Administration system between 2005 and 2011. 的 study found that those who used testosterone supplements were about 30 percent more likely to have a 心脏病, 中风, 或者在使用三年后死亡. 男人的, 1,223 had testosterone therapy and nearly 26% of them suffered a 心脏病, 中风 or died for a reason included in the study within the following three years compared with 20% of those not taking testosterone. Many of the men in both groups had a history of 心脏病s, 糖尿病或冠状动脉疾病, although those taking testosterone were slightly younger and had lower rates of other illnesses.

令人担忧的是, the re搜索ers found that men who started the study with clear coronary arteries were just as likely to have a 心脏病, 中风 or die as men who entered the study with established coronary artery disease. This difference could be seen even after the re搜索ers took into account age, 血压, 心脏病和其他因素的存在.


彭博社(2015年3月3日): FDA orders testosterone label limits, 心脏病 warnings

(2014年6月20日) FDA asks for wider warnings on testosterone products

ABC网赌十大靠谱平台下载(11月). 5, 2013): Testosterone supplements tied to 心脏病s, 中风, early death

Do not stop taking a prescribed medication without first consulting with your doctor. Discontinuing a prescribed medication without your doctor's advice can result in injury or death.



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