If you received a medical device, you likely thought it would enhance your life, give you more mobility, ease your pain or add convenience. Many patients, however, have experienced unexpected, 痛苦甚至致命的副作用,导致危险的医疗设备. 

If you’re suffering from painful side effects or injuries, have had unplanned surgeries to address a defective device, or a loved one has suffered wrongful death from a medical device, 我们可以帮助您对设备制造商追究您的法律权利.

Medical Device Defects and Recalls

我们的医疗律师在医疗器械诉讼方面拥有丰富的经验,并且已经受理了许多诉讼 leadership roles in these types of cases. 我们了解医疗器械诉讼的复杂法律和科学方面, 并努力揭露可能对你或你所爱的人造成伤害的激进的产品开发和营销行为. 我们的律师处理医疗器械诉讼的所有方面的发现和审判, including product identification, medical causation, compliance with FDA regulations, adequacy of warnings, allegations of product defects, and coordination of witnesses and experts.


Medical Device Lawsuits

With advancements in medicine, 在治疗受伤和疾病方面,越来越多地使用医疗设备. Despite medical breakthroughs, 医疗设备可能没有经过充分的测试和监管,而企业为了急于盈利而匆忙推向市场.


Let Our Medical Attorneys Help You

如果您或您认识的人在使用有缺陷的医疗设备后可能会受伤或死亡, contact our medical attorney team by email or call 1.800.768.4026.

Motley Rice’s Commitment

处理有缺陷的医疗设备的痛苦和困难不仅影响到你自己, but your family. 我们将运用我们在复杂医疗诉讼中的资源和经验,为您和您的亲人寻求正义.

Additionally, we advocate for change outside of the courtroom, 要求更严格的审批程序和警告标签这样你这样的病人就不会受到伤害.

Motley Rice LLC, a South Carolina Limited Liability Company, 通过莫特利·赖斯新泽西有限责任公司在新泽西从事法律业务. Esther Berezofsky attorney responsible for New Jersey practice.